Stand by for what. Kind of silly but all night in my dreams I became obsessed with those little red lights on various appliances around the house. Why do I need a light to tell me that said piece of equipment is waiting for me to come back. Please come back and turn me on, says the stereo with its weird dancing light display, flaunting all of it's different functions across the digital screen. Come back begs my television with it's special color coded light up logo. Orange if it is off and white when it is turned on. Do they really believe I need a color coded light to confirm that the T.V. is turned off......Luke, you switched off your computer is something wrong????????
I dare you to take a look around your house and count up all of your electrical gadgets that have a standby light of some kind. I counted everything that has some sort of light on when you are not using it like the clock on the coffee maker, the display on the stereo etc. Report back with your numbers and I will post mine.
believe it or not all of these little lights and displays add up to electrical drain, sometimes referred to as a ghost load. Somewhere down the line, no matter how small it may seem, someone is making money off all these tiny lights. At this point there are no light free options, that makes me a little crazy!