Wednesday, December 12, 2007

ssshhhhhhhhhh! everyone is asleep!

Hi all

wow everyone is still asleep and I actually have a moment to catch you all up on recent events. Yes, I know it is only 6:35 but usually there is at least one child up with me at this point. So woo hoo for me!!!!

So bad mommy admission time....I forgot to fill some of Desi's advent boxes. "Hey mom, there is nothing in this one!" Ohh I hate that. I remember the year my mother forgot to hide the easter eggs. I hunted for about 2 hours thinking wow she really hid them well this year. When I took a break to eat ....there they were in the fridge. I was crest fallen. I believe she has recovered from the shock but I ma not sure that i will!

At this point I still need to make some of the boxes and fill them with activities and good stuff. No rest for the wicked!

I like everyone else, am starting to feel the time pinch for all things christmas crafty. What to focus on and what to let go of until next year. At the moment lots of knitting is happening, as well as felt food re-stock. I am very pleased to announce that all of my fancy felt pasta sold out last weekend. so validating when that happens ! now to open up the etsy shop and get the post more regular.

today i will leave you with a small window into life here on my urban farm.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

my first client!

Hooray, Shenanigans has it's first client! Out to dinner with some friends last night, one of them freaked over the felt pasta. She wants it for christmas and has promised to spread the word with all her mama friends! Well how is that for validation! I am so pleased! Let them eat pasta!

update! i have found the photo!!! enjoy but don't eat it. I have taken a lovely photo of my bowtie pasta but as my computer thinks hide and go seek is a fun game i will have to post the photos later! arrggggh!

Monday, December 3, 2007


Sorry for the sad no photo post but the camera has been lost. WaahhhhH! I did manage to replace it last night along with a very fancy new printer! I am doing the happy dance while my poor wallet smokes from the abuse!

so on with the show! I am trying to do to many things at once I fear. It has caused a total hault in the studio! I can't seem to focus on wrapping up the soap shop or kicking off the felt pasta I am working on! All I want to do is stay home and play with christmas crafty goodness. HELP!

On the christmas countdown front. I have made tiny boxes that hang on a cute! Desi has made it through day one ( making cookies w/grandma) and now on to day two! She received the tiniest garden rake for her borrowers! She was thrilled!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Come One, Come all!

Welcome to the three ring circus that I call life! We will laugh, cry and create together. At the moment I am closing up the soap shop and trading in the soap spoon for a needle and thread. What am I making now...well you will just have to stay tuned to see. For today lets unveil the shenanigans girl!